
Ayer publiqué este video en nuestra página de Facebook y no quería dejar de compartirlo acá con ustedes… la canción es hermosa… y el mensaje, más hermoso aún: No importa por lo que estés pasando… no importa lo duro de la prueba… o lo mucho que te hayan lastimado… tú eres hermosa y digna a los ojos de Jesús… y Él te ama con locura… no lo olvides nunca…!!!

by MercyMe

Days will come when you don’t have the strength, and all you hear is you’re not worth anything… wondering if you ever could be loved, and if they truly saw your heart, they’d see too much.

You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful.
You were made for so much more than all of this…
You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful.
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His…
You’re beautiful.

Praying that you have the heart to fight, ‘cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight… for all the lies you’ve held inside so long, they are nothing in the shadow of the cross.

You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful.
You were made for so much more than all of this…
You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful.
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His…
You’re beautiful.

Before you ever took a breath, long before the world began, of all the wonders He possessed, there was one more precious of all the earth and skies above… you’re the one He madly loves enough to die.

You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful in His eyes.

You’re beautiful.
You were made for so much more than all of this…
You’re beautiful.
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His…

You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful.
You were made for so much more than all of this…
You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful.
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His…


  1. Super, musica, imagenes y sobre todo que no sòlo me enriquecen espiritualmente si no que me ponen a practicar el inglès. muchas pero…..muchas bendiciones.Gracias por estar ahì.

    Maria Rosalba

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